Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary in Collegeville, Minnesota recognized ACAA board member, Father Bob Flannery with the following Monday Accolade on 6 February 2023:
Fr. Bob Flannery ('73) is a Parliament of the World’s Religions board member. He is also in his twelfth year as a Regent for the School of Theology and Seminary. No matter where he goes or what he is doing, professionally and privately, Fr. Bob never passes up an opportunity to give the SOT/Sem kudos, as seen in his Parliament of the World’s Religions bio. We are deeply honored to have an alum with such a remarkable career using his studies from the SOT/Sem and equally humbled at our mention. Thank you, Fr. Bob, and we congratulate you on your election and appointment to the board of trustees at the Parliament of the World’s Religions!