ACAA Reunion 2017 - Leuven, Belgium

“Catholicism and Contemporary Culture"

The American College of Louvain Alumni Reunion

Held August 6 to 13, 2017

The American College - Naamsestraat 100 - Leuven, Belgium



Dear American College Alumnus,

The 2017 American College Alumni Reunion celebrated the ongoing life of The American College in its 160th anniversary year.

Titled: “Catholicism and Contemporary Culture,” The American College of Louvain Alumni Reunion was held at The American College, Naamsestraat 100, Leuven, Belgium from August 6 to 13, 2017.

This reunion also featured a five-day theological conference, conducted by Leuven theologians, on the theme of “Catholicism and Contemporary Culture.”

Coordinator for this year’s reunion was John A. “Jack” Dick, retired from the KU Leuven, former staff and faculty member at The American College, and visiting professor at the University of Ghent. His assistant is Jeremy Hovda, doctoral student at the KU Leuven Institute of Philosophy

In the five-day theological conference, four theological themes were explored:        

(1)   Contemporary Issues in theological ethics: What is the basis for our ethical decision-making? What about natural law? Does our understanding of what is natural evolve and change? Concrete questions about theological ethics and our understanding of human sexuality. Concrete questions about bio-medical ethics. Instructor: Prof. Johan De Tavernier

(2)   Who is Jesus Christ for us today? What has the “search for the historical Jesus” really ended up saying? Can one speak about religious mythology in the New Testament portrayal of Jesus? What are theologians saying today about the Resurrection? Instructor: Prof. Gilbert Van Belle

(3)   Church Unity Issues today. What has been accomplished in church unity and ecumenical discussions today? What remains to be done? Instructor: Prof. Peter De Mey

(4)   Contemporary Issues and Trends in Catholic Life and Ministry. "Women in ministry in Belgium" and "Who are today's theology students at the KU Leuven and what is their vision of the church?"  Instructors: Prof. Anne Vandenhoeck and Prof. Annemie Dillen

Schedule August 6-12, 2017

Sunday – August 6                

5:30 pm – Welcome and Opening Prayer: American College Chapel. Followed by reception and buffet dinner in Aulne Room (former ACL dining room) at the American College

Monday – August 7

8:30 am - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 10:00 am  - "A brief presentation about American College renovation and student life at the College today."


12:15 pm - Eucharist in American College Chapel

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

2:30 to 4:00 pm - Second Session THEOLOGICAL ETHICS

Dinner and Free Evening in Leuven on one’s own

Tuesday – August 8

8:30 am  - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 11:45 am - First Session: WHO IS JESUS CHRIST FOR US TODAY?

12:15 pm - Eucharist in American College Chapel

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

2:30 to 4:00 pm - Second Session WHO IS JESUS CHRIST FOR US TODAY?

Dinner and Free Evening in Leuven on one’s own

Wednesday – August 9           

8:30 am - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 11:45 am - Women in Ministry in Belgium, Today and Tomorrow.

12:15 pm - Eucharist in American College Chapel

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

2:00 pm - Bus trip to Brugge tour and dinner compliments of Slabbinck

Thursday – August 10

8:30 am - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 11:45 am - Theology at the KU Leuven Today: Who are today’s students and how do they see the church?

12:15 pm - Eucharist in American College Chapel

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

 2:15 pm to 4:00pm - Guided tour of renovated KU Leuven theology library & treasures                    

Dinner and Free Evening in Leuven on one’s own

Friday – August 11

8:30 am - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 11:45 am - Hard Sayings Left behind by Vatican II in Lumen Gentium and Unitatis Redintegratio.

12:15 pm - Eucharist in American College Chapel

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

2:30 pm - Visit and tour of renovated Park Abbey. Transportation from American College to and from Park Abbey with Tourist Train and taxi

Dinner and Free Evening in Leuven on one’s own

Saturday – August 12

8:30 am - Continental breakfast Aulne Room at American College or breakfast at your hotel.

9:30 to 11:45 am - The Church: Towards a Common Vision” (2013): A Roman Catholic View on a Long Awaited Faith and Order Statement

1:00 pm - Lunch in Aulne Room, American College

2:15pm to 4:00 pm - Business Meeting Alumni Association

5:15 pm - Concluding Eucharist in American College chapel

7:00 pm - Closing banquet at the Salons Georges, Hogeschoolplein 15